
WASD/Arrow keys to move.

Mouse to look.

Space to pause.

Made as part of COMP 521 - Modern Computer Games, this small game is a demonstration of Hierarchical Task Network Planning and Reactive AI.

  • The four adventurers have a HTN that coordinate with one another; if one adventurer drops a treasure another will come to grab it; close-range combat adventurers grab treasure first before far-range combat adventurers. Using a common world state, the adventurers are able to consistently assign tasks to themselves with knowledge of other adventurers. They are also able to backtrack and re-plan if their current task fails.
  • The Minotaur is a simple reactive AI, which means an AI that reacts to the current state of the environment without considering the history of past states or future states. In this case, the priorities of attack for the minotaur are:
    • Attack the adventurer holding the treasure.
    • Attack the adventurer attacking them.
    • Attack the closest adventurer.

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